Meet the Mentor: Mott Hall’s Coach Jimenez

Ernest Jimenez is a staple in the Washington Heights and West Harlem communities. 

Having played pick-up soccer games since his youth, he has grown up in the fields we take our own poet-athletes to today. He is nothing short of a school dad; he takes the time to get to know each and every one of his students and maintains contact with them long after they have graduated. 

Mr. Jimenez is a paraprofessional at Mott Hall in West Harlem, so he works with students one-on-one among a variety of other things.  

Mr. Jimenez joined America SCORES New York’s league of coaches in 2016 and immediately saw an opportunity to reach young people who were growing up with limited opportunities while facing social injustices in their community.

“I began to volunteer my time at PS 192 Jacob Schiff when ASNY noticed my gift with the kids,” says Jimenez. 

“Then I took the position of a coach for The Mott Hall Middle School, and the rest was history.”

Alongside his title as coach-mentor for Mott Hall’s poet-athletes, Coach Jimenez works in programming at all levels: coaching Saturday Night Lights and Kicking It Forward high school programming, mentoring youth coaches with our Coaching for Change Academy, and doing uplifting soccer drills to keep inspiring our poet-athletes on Instagram.

Program Coordinator Natalia Meneses says she can’t believe the influence Coach Jimenez has in his school 

“His students respect him, seeing that he is able to take over 40 kids to and from Mott Hall, safely and soundly," she said. 

"We call him, his coaches, and his students an army -- the sheer number of kids he can corral three times a week for our fall and spring program is incredible.”

While Coach Jimenez wears the hats of coach, referee, and school liaison, his most important role is as a mentor. 

“I am their coach, their father, their friend, someone whom they can rely on and trust,” says Coach Jimenez. 

”I treat them as my own kids and make sure I put in 110% for them to flourish. Their parents and guardians trust me with their kids so I am gonna honor it.”

Alongside his strong bond with his team and their families, his relationships with his colleagues, other teachers, and faculty in Mott Hall make him a great asset and truly highlights his importance within this community. 

Meneses is proud to work alongside Coach Jimenez and his talented team. 

“He teaches his students discipline on and off the field, and helps guide them to become the best version of themselves,” she recounts. 

“Mr. Jimenez is committed to his students’ safety and prosperity and I appreciate working with him because he reminds me to always do the best I can.”

His proudest moment reflects his commitment to New York City’s youth, taking a student who was having difficulty building relationships at school and allowing them to join his ASNY team. 

“He was my assistant to make sure practice and games ran diligently and in order,” recounts Jimenez. 

“He is currently a junior in high school and still stays connected and visits me at the field to take part in practice. He is thankful for the chance I took on him.”

So what does Coach Jimenez want his poet-athletes to take away from each session with? 

“That it was fun and entertaining,” he says smiling. 

“I want them to enjoy themselves, to laugh, to run, to scream, to go crazy because the field is the perfect place to act a fool and be yourself.”


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Celebrating Mentorship in 2022